Tuesday, 23 August 2016


Dear Diary,
I have been so behind on this lately and although I said I would never again forget,I kinda failed promising you on that one :| (sorry about that one guys) Butttt the reason I have been behind is all for good reasons which I will tell you about later X

Anyway, I thought that as I was seen on TOWIE I could tell you some secrets ;) the behind the scene's, bloppers (kinda) 

So, I ALWAYSSSS get asked if TOWIE is scripted and IT IS NOT!!!!! I swear that's the truth! That's also why people get nervous because you just say anything you want when you want and have to think to yourself what you wanna say and some of you may say this is easy but trust me when you have camera's in every direction of you it's not that easy :(

People also ask if I get scared when there's camera's around. Well, at first, yes I guess I feel a bit nervous but after a while I kinda forget they are there and just pretend that there's nobody watching or anything ... 

About the blooper's, every once in a while somebody dunno what to say and we just stand there in silence or something but because it's not scripted it's not like someone can forget the words there supposed to say or something? 

That's all I can really say about TOWIE as everything flows like a normal conversation and everyone feel comfortable and as for my opinion on Megan (as you have all been asking) I don't hate her, let's just say I'm not exactly the biggest fan of her ;) 

Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright

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