Saturday, 23 January 2016


Dear diary,

So far, so good. 2016 has actually started off really good.I have got new people coming into my life and I've had no homework detentions or anything like that but I just got sent my report so I dunno if its all going to change!

School is like a roller coaster really, at first your so scared but excited to go on it, then you question wether to go on it or not, you go on it and scream the whole way but by the end you want to go on it again. Its exactly the same really and I'm on the screaming part at the minute!!!!! I guess getting your report is just another scary stage but then you remember that it could be good (Im thinking 30% good and 70% bad) oh poop!

School really is an exciting chapter in your life and we've got to remember that because without it you wouldn't know half the people you know and you wouldn't know half the things you know. (I was wondering if I really meant that but I actually do)Just remember everyone has there bad stages in their life and its moves past wither slowly or quickly but either way it still moves away.

Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright

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