Dear Diary,
Sorry that I couldn't write yesterday it's because it was practically the worst day of my LIFE! Italy may be the most beautiful country to me but when your here for 4 weeks and you are actually excited for school so you can see all your friends (well that's just proved to me that I should never get over excited) cause sometimes you can't get ON THE PLANE !
So here I am writing my blog in ITALY but I guess there's a positive side to this story as I'm on a beach in 30 degree heat while everyone's at school in 15 degree heat :) so here's what happened:
We had just got to the airport and I can't tell you how excited I was to be going home after a month, everyone else seemed to be upset but I was just so excited to see everyone again after 4 weeks. We were just about to go into security when mum had to check all the boarding passes and passports so we could safely get in without her having to do it last minute. So we checked them all and everyone had their boarding passes but not EVERYONE had their PASSPORTS ! And guess who's was missing?! Yep, mine. The person who wanted to acc go to school and go back to rainy England. Yep,me ! So, I was crying cause I didn't know what to do ( you would realise if you were me ) and mum and my foster brother and sister got on the plane and left me and my dad, LEFT US ! (I'm being a parrot but I just need to get my point across) so me and my dad (good old dad comes in handy sometimes. Joking!) brought the tickets for Tuesday and we have to wake up tomorrow early. Like seriously the least you can do is book an afternoon flight seeing as mum left my passport and I'm sitting here sweating when Im excited to be freezing again.
But oh well, I'm topping up my tan and I'll tell you something : my friends are all snap chatting me them in school with our ugly uniforms, so yeah I feel better, BUT STILL! Trust me when I get home I'm gonna have it in for mum ;)
Let's just say I'm never gonna get excited to go back to school again in a hot airport in Italy after 4 weeks there. That's all :|
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
PS. Someone help me think of something good to do to my mum seeing as she left me behind :) :) :)
Monday, 5 September 2016
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Dear diary,
Life in Italy is AMAZING! There's only one rule here and that's is that you have to be STYLISH! Seriously what's the point coming to the most romantic,most beautiful place on Earth if your not gonna show off your tan and become the biggest fashionista there. Seriously??!!
So obviously before I came I had to shop till I dropped (no surprise there) and I have to say I found so much stuff I LOVED :) but all in all I couldn't stop obssesing over my 'Jones & Jones' dresses. They all seemed to make me feel like a princess.
My ultimate favrouite was my pink one: It made me feel like a princess. It was so comfortable and although I didn't wear this one in Italy (I know I should have) I wore it for my day filming for 'TOWIE' and when you are standing there for hours there's nothing worse than feeling uncomfortable but in this dress I felt confident and comfortable. I still can't get over it :) with this I matched it with my silver superstars from 'adidas' to give it a unique look...

Because I loved this dress so much I couldn't resist not going to their website (for the 70th time) and look for more dresses to make me feel like a princess :) So when my package arrived for my next two dresses I was so excited. Let's get real if you love a dress why not just get it again but in different colours? Like seriously what other way would solve your shopping depression ?! So firstly I wore my white one which done the same job as my pink and made me feel beautiful and was so comfortable!

I matched these with a pair of dark blue loafers with a thick,white soul and didn't feel the need for any extra jewlary as the dress made the full statement! ;)
Finally I had one more dress which I have to say nearly beat my obsession to my pink dress which brung out my tan aswell as causing people to compliment my dress. This is a margot blue tutu dress that left people wanting to know were I got it from straight away :)

With this I wore my silver sandels as they were quite plain so suited it well and like the others I didn't feel the need to accessorise this dress ! So these were my three statement dresses which I adore! They made me feel beautiful,comfortable and like a princess .
Love from Italy
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Life in Italy is AMAZING! There's only one rule here and that's is that you have to be STYLISH! Seriously what's the point coming to the most romantic,most beautiful place on Earth if your not gonna show off your tan and become the biggest fashionista there. Seriously??!!
So obviously before I came I had to shop till I dropped (no surprise there) and I have to say I found so much stuff I LOVED :) but all in all I couldn't stop obssesing over my 'Jones & Jones' dresses. They all seemed to make me feel like a princess.
My ultimate favrouite was my pink one: It made me feel like a princess. It was so comfortable and although I didn't wear this one in Italy (I know I should have) I wore it for my day filming for 'TOWIE' and when you are standing there for hours there's nothing worse than feeling uncomfortable but in this dress I felt confident and comfortable. I still can't get over it :) with this I matched it with my silver superstars from 'adidas' to give it a unique look...
Because I loved this dress so much I couldn't resist not going to their website (for the 70th time) and look for more dresses to make me feel like a princess :) So when my package arrived for my next two dresses I was so excited. Let's get real if you love a dress why not just get it again but in different colours? Like seriously what other way would solve your shopping depression ?! So firstly I wore my white one which done the same job as my pink and made me feel beautiful and was so comfortable!
I matched these with a pair of dark blue loafers with a thick,white soul and didn't feel the need for any extra jewlary as the dress made the full statement! ;)
Finally I had one more dress which I have to say nearly beat my obsession to my pink dress which brung out my tan aswell as causing people to compliment my dress. This is a margot blue tutu dress that left people wanting to know were I got it from straight away :)
With this I wore my silver sandels as they were quite plain so suited it well and like the others I didn't feel the need to accessorise this dress ! So these were my three statement dresses which I adore! They made me feel beautiful,comfortable and like a princess .
Love from Italy
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Sunday, 28 August 2016
Dear diary,
Hope everyone's having a good summer ;) I'm literally so upset I've only got a week left but I'm still excited to see all my friends again.
Friends, they're always looking out for you and laughing with you and making you happy. They're just a really important part in our lives :) I appreciate how much my friends do for me and how much they care aswell. Always look out for you friends no matter what guys cause they're playing an important part in our lives :)
Hope everyone is having a good summer. Only got 2% so can't write much but make the most of the rest of the summer guys ;)
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Hope everyone's having a good summer ;) I'm literally so upset I've only got a week left but I'm still excited to see all my friends again.
Friends, they're always looking out for you and laughing with you and making you happy. They're just a really important part in our lives :) I appreciate how much my friends do for me and how much they care aswell. Always look out for you friends no matter what guys cause they're playing an important part in our lives :)
Hope everyone is having a good summer. Only got 2% so can't write much but make the most of the rest of the summer guys ;)
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Dear Diary,
I have been so behind on this lately and although I said I would never again forget,I kinda failed promising you on that one :| (sorry about that one guys) Butttt the reason I have been behind is all for good reasons which I will tell you about later X
Anyway, I thought that as I was seen on TOWIE I could tell you some secrets ;) the behind the scene's, bloppers (kinda)
So, I ALWAYSSSS get asked if TOWIE is scripted and IT IS NOT!!!!! I swear that's the truth! That's also why people get nervous because you just say anything you want when you want and have to think to yourself what you wanna say and some of you may say this is easy but trust me when you have camera's in every direction of you it's not that easy :(
People also ask if I get scared when there's camera's around. Well, at first, yes I guess I feel a bit nervous but after a while I kinda forget they are there and just pretend that there's nobody watching or anything ...
About the blooper's, every once in a while somebody dunno what to say and we just stand there in silence or something but because it's not scripted it's not like someone can forget the words there supposed to say or something?
That's all I can really say about TOWIE as everything flows like a normal conversation and everyone feel comfortable and as for my opinion on Megan (as you have all been asking) I don't hate her, let's just say I'm not exactly the biggest fan of her ;)
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Sunday, 21 August 2016
Dear Diary,
I have been so behind on this lately and although I said I would never again forget,I kinda failed promising you on that one :| (sorry about that one guys) Butttt the reason I have been behind is all for good reasons which I will tell you about later X
Anyway, I thought that as I was seen on TOWIE I could tell you some secrets ;) the behind the scene's, bloppers (kinda)
So, I ALWAYSSSS get asked if TOWIE is scripted and IT IS NOT!!!!! I swear that's the truth! That's also why people get nervous because you just say anything you want when you want and have to think to yourself what you wanna say and some of you may say this is easy but trust me when you have camera's in every direction of you it's not that easy :(
People also ask if I get scared when there's camera's around. Well, at first, yes I guess I feel a bit nervous but after a while I kinda forget they are there and just pretend that there's nobody watching or anything ...
About the blooper's, every once in a while somebody dunno what to say and we just stand there in silence or something but because it's not scripted it's not like someone can forget the words there supposed to say or something?
That's all I can really say about TOWIE as everything flows like a normal conversation and everyone feel comfortable and as for my opinion on Megan (as you have all been asking) I don't hate her, let's just say I'm not exactly the biggest fan of her ;)
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Sunday, 22 May 2016
Dear Diary,
Hey everyone.I have good news, my best friends mum is now fostering. They have just fostered a baby girl and are so in love with her. I always go and see both of them to see how its going and they are in love.
This blog I am going to be talking about my foster brothers and sisters. It's hard... Not them but us. They come in and out of our lives and I find that very difficult. They come into my life scared and unhappy and live with me but then all of a sudden they have to leave. It's not their fault, neither ours. It's hard to say goodbye to someone you love and cherish.
My foster sister and me had a chat yesterday. I had a silly argument with my dad and was upset so I sat with her. I just was upset and I recall her murmuring "Atleast you have your dad to wake up to" I felt really bad and said sorry to my dad and then went straight to her and said sorry. I said sorry for not thinking before I spoke and I said sorry again and again. She didn't say "it's okay' instead she said "thank you, thank you for loving me like you do." I felt a rush of happiness come over me. I have helped someone, not 1 or 2 but many. I have helped them by simply loving them.
Love is a strong thing so use it wisely.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Hey everyone.I have good news, my best friends mum is now fostering. They have just fostered a baby girl and are so in love with her. I always go and see both of them to see how its going and they are in love.
This blog I am going to be talking about my foster brothers and sisters. It's hard... Not them but us. They come in and out of our lives and I find that very difficult. They come into my life scared and unhappy and live with me but then all of a sudden they have to leave. It's not their fault, neither ours. It's hard to say goodbye to someone you love and cherish.
My foster sister and me had a chat yesterday. I had a silly argument with my dad and was upset so I sat with her. I just was upset and I recall her murmuring "Atleast you have your dad to wake up to" I felt really bad and said sorry to my dad and then went straight to her and said sorry. I said sorry for not thinking before I spoke and I said sorry again and again. She didn't say "it's okay' instead she said "thank you, thank you for loving me like you do." I felt a rush of happiness come over me. I have helped someone, not 1 or 2 but many. I have helped them by simply loving them.
Love is a strong thing so use it wisely.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Dear Diary,
I am soooooooo sorry I haven't kept updated with my blog at the minute. I've been so busy with everything else I hadn't got the time to write.
Carrying on, This blog's going to be about life. Life in general. How to tackle difficult situations and how to overcome fears. I'm not writing a list of how to tackle life because the meaning of that list always comes down to one word. 'TIME' You probably thought I was going to write 'love' or 'friends' or something like that but no life is about 'TIME'
It's time to up your game, Its time to finish what you've been working on, It's time to stop and refuel. When's the time I'm going to fall in love, When's the time I'm going to stop and listen. TIME,TIME,TIME......
I remember reading one quote that really sank in,
'Time is free, but its priceless, You can't own it, but you can use it, You can't keep it, but you can spend it, once you've lost it, you can never get it back.'
This quote showed me that it's time to start a new day and it's time you do it now.
Get up and do what you've been wanting to do whether its to talk to your crush or whether its to talk to your teacher. Whatever it is do it now because it's time you do it. Time flies so make it count.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
I am soooooooo sorry I haven't kept updated with my blog at the minute. I've been so busy with everything else I hadn't got the time to write.
Carrying on, This blog's going to be about life. Life in general. How to tackle difficult situations and how to overcome fears. I'm not writing a list of how to tackle life because the meaning of that list always comes down to one word. 'TIME' You probably thought I was going to write 'love' or 'friends' or something like that but no life is about 'TIME'
It's time to up your game, Its time to finish what you've been working on, It's time to stop and refuel. When's the time I'm going to fall in love, When's the time I'm going to stop and listen. TIME,TIME,TIME......
I remember reading one quote that really sank in,
'Time is free, but its priceless, You can't own it, but you can use it, You can't keep it, but you can spend it, once you've lost it, you can never get it back.'
This quote showed me that it's time to start a new day and it's time you do it now.
Get up and do what you've been wanting to do whether its to talk to your crush or whether its to talk to your teacher. Whatever it is do it now because it's time you do it. Time flies so make it count.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Dear diary,
Hiya everyone. This week has been so good for me. School has been great and I'm getting good grades and no detentions :) Last week however was a whole other story. I had detentions and I felt as if all the teachers were picking on me!
Why do we get so annoyed with teachers? All they are trying to do is guide us through life? Well I apologised to my teacher for being rude and now I am in a good mind.
Sometimes all it takes is a "sorry" to solve all problems.
One quotes that stuck me back to think over what I did last week was:
"It takes a strong person to say sorry; it takes a stronger person to forgive"
This quote meant a lot and before you do something THINK because what is about to come out of your mouth could change your life forever just like Nelson Mandela. All those who betrayed him for making a speech then said sorry and he was strong enough to forgive all of them people.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Hiya everyone. This week has been so good for me. School has been great and I'm getting good grades and no detentions :) Last week however was a whole other story. I had detentions and I felt as if all the teachers were picking on me!
Why do we get so annoyed with teachers? All they are trying to do is guide us through life? Well I apologised to my teacher for being rude and now I am in a good mind.
Sometimes all it takes is a "sorry" to solve all problems.
One quotes that stuck me back to think over what I did last week was:
"It takes a strong person to say sorry; it takes a stronger person to forgive"
This quote meant a lot and before you do something THINK because what is about to come out of your mouth could change your life forever just like Nelson Mandela. All those who betrayed him for making a speech then said sorry and he was strong enough to forgive all of them people.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Dear diary,
Comments, likes, hashtags. We all love them. Getting 100 likes is like a dream come true and getting at least 50 comments feels like your in heaven but why? Not trying to be your teacher or anything but did you know that over 80% of teenagers are on their phone regually.
We need to think about the stuff we post because clicking post is a thing you can never erase. Don't just post that picture because all the boys will like it but post it because you like it. There is a world out there waiting for you and to be on your phone posting and reposting dosent get you a job or intelligence. Im not saying don't go on your phone but go on your phone and find who you are and don't change yourself for the social media.
Next time you go on your phone disconnect to your wifi and reconnect with the world.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Comments, likes, hashtags. We all love them. Getting 100 likes is like a dream come true and getting at least 50 comments feels like your in heaven but why? Not trying to be your teacher or anything but did you know that over 80% of teenagers are on their phone regually.
We need to think about the stuff we post because clicking post is a thing you can never erase. Don't just post that picture because all the boys will like it but post it because you like it. There is a world out there waiting for you and to be on your phone posting and reposting dosent get you a job or intelligence. Im not saying don't go on your phone but go on your phone and find who you are and don't change yourself for the social media.
Next time you go on your phone disconnect to your wifi and reconnect with the world.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Dear diary,
Heys guys, lately my posts have been about being yourself and that but this post is going to be a bit different. This blog I am going to be talking about family.
Sometimes our family get on our nerves but deep down inside we know we love them and cannot imagine life without them?Well with new foster brothers and sisters coming into my life I just imagine how they must feel without waking up without there mum and dad.
Most days I have an argument with my brother and say how annoying he is but I literally can't live without him. I would miss him annoying me everyday. I can't beilve them words literally just came out my mouth but I really do mean that.
Right now hug a family member so tight they can't actually take a breath. You never know how much you love them until a hug comes nearby.
Keep happy.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Heys guys, lately my posts have been about being yourself and that but this post is going to be a bit different. This blog I am going to be talking about family.
Sometimes our family get on our nerves but deep down inside we know we love them and cannot imagine life without them?Well with new foster brothers and sisters coming into my life I just imagine how they must feel without waking up without there mum and dad.
Most days I have an argument with my brother and say how annoying he is but I literally can't live without him. I would miss him annoying me everyday. I can't beilve them words literally just came out my mouth but I really do mean that.
Right now hug a family member so tight they can't actually take a breath. You never know how much you love them until a hug comes nearby.
Keep happy.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Dear Diary,
Thank you all for all my support on instagram and on my blog. Without the help of all of you I couldn't of done this blog. I am proud to announce that I have got over 70,000 views on my blog and if you are reading this you can follow my blog so you are updated every Sunday.
If you know my sister Lydia she has a lot of followers on instagram and as I was looking through her instagram and I saw many comments that were really mean. Some of them were saying "your ugly" "ew" "so weird "you bore me" All of these comments were throbbing my head and I was confused on why they were writing such hateful comments when my sister hasn't done anything wrong?
Every single one of us have made mistakes but sometimes we have to put each other in the victims shoes. Even if that person is famous or even if that person sits next to you in maths both of them people have feeling and to hurt them feelings is like dropping a stone on a leaf. The stone is heaver and weighs down the leaf and thats the same with the spiteful comments weighing down the persons feelings.
Mistakes are a normal thing but just step back and look at what you are doing before doing something.
Thank you for your support and stay happy.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Thank you all for all my support on instagram and on my blog. Without the help of all of you I couldn't of done this blog. I am proud to announce that I have got over 70,000 views on my blog and if you are reading this you can follow my blog so you are updated every Sunday.
If you know my sister Lydia she has a lot of followers on instagram and as I was looking through her instagram and I saw many comments that were really mean. Some of them were saying "your ugly" "ew" "so weird "you bore me" All of these comments were throbbing my head and I was confused on why they were writing such hateful comments when my sister hasn't done anything wrong?
Every single one of us have made mistakes but sometimes we have to put each other in the victims shoes. Even if that person is famous or even if that person sits next to you in maths both of them people have feeling and to hurt them feelings is like dropping a stone on a leaf. The stone is heaver and weighs down the leaf and thats the same with the spiteful comments weighing down the persons feelings.
Mistakes are a normal thing but just step back and look at what you are doing before doing something.
Thank you for your support and stay happy.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Dear Diary,
Every girl wants to succeed in beauty, with a touch of lippy or coco chanel spritz up we all try our best in our appearances but why don't we see beauty in ourselves?What I'm trying to get across is that we are stunning inside out and we forget that everyday.
Whener we actually say "I am beautiful" people say we are boastful. Well so what, say it loud, say it everyday because you are and there is no reason to hide that.
Makeup, straightners, lipgloss. Many things are made to make us more beautiful, well scrap that stuff because all that fake tan, foundation and contour just makes you, well, not you. Show who you really are today and every other day.
Nobody is perfect and all your imperfections show who you really are so take a step back and realise you are absolutely stunning!
Wake up and look at yourself in the mirror and say "I AM BEAUTIFUL!"
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
PS. Sorry about being late to update my blogs.
Every girl wants to succeed in beauty, with a touch of lippy or coco chanel spritz up we all try our best in our appearances but why don't we see beauty in ourselves?What I'm trying to get across is that we are stunning inside out and we forget that everyday.
Whener we actually say "I am beautiful" people say we are boastful. Well so what, say it loud, say it everyday because you are and there is no reason to hide that.
Makeup, straightners, lipgloss. Many things are made to make us more beautiful, well scrap that stuff because all that fake tan, foundation and contour just makes you, well, not you. Show who you really are today and every other day.
Nobody is perfect and all your imperfections show who you really are so take a step back and realise you are absolutely stunning!
Wake up and look at yourself in the mirror and say "I AM BEAUTIFUL!"
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
PS. Sorry about being late to update my blogs.
Saturday, 23 January 2016
Dear Diary,
Just before I start, if you read my blog post before this one you would have found out that my school report was coming. IM NOT GROUNDED :) I actually did really well.
Anyway this blog post I really wanted to tell you all about judging people. Two days ago I went to a club with my friend. When I was waiting for my mum to pick me up I saw a man in the corner of my eye but couldn't really see what he was doing because it was quite dark. He had his ears pierced and had tattoos everywhere, he was standing next to a big motor bike with skulls on it. I must admit I was quite scared I just stood there and then he started to come closer not right near me but close. I turned around and saw he was holding a bucket I looked closely and saw that on the bucket it said 'donations to cancer' I was confused, I guess I didn't expect it. I guess all I'm trying to say is that we can't judge a book by its cover. The person you were scared of walking past the other day might have been the man who is suffering a life threatening condition or the dog that barked loudly at you might have got abused by its owner so was scared of everything.
Next time you walk past someone, help them cross the road, open the door for them, SMILE at them. Essentially, do them little things that everyone else forgets.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Just before I start, if you read my blog post before this one you would have found out that my school report was coming. IM NOT GROUNDED :) I actually did really well.
Anyway this blog post I really wanted to tell you all about judging people. Two days ago I went to a club with my friend. When I was waiting for my mum to pick me up I saw a man in the corner of my eye but couldn't really see what he was doing because it was quite dark. He had his ears pierced and had tattoos everywhere, he was standing next to a big motor bike with skulls on it. I must admit I was quite scared I just stood there and then he started to come closer not right near me but close. I turned around and saw he was holding a bucket I looked closely and saw that on the bucket it said 'donations to cancer' I was confused, I guess I didn't expect it. I guess all I'm trying to say is that we can't judge a book by its cover. The person you were scared of walking past the other day might have been the man who is suffering a life threatening condition or the dog that barked loudly at you might have got abused by its owner so was scared of everything.
Next time you walk past someone, help them cross the road, open the door for them, SMILE at them. Essentially, do them little things that everyone else forgets.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Dear diary,
So far, so good. 2016 has actually started off really good.I have got new people coming into my life and I've had no homework detentions or anything like that but I just got sent my report so I dunno if its all going to change!
School is like a roller coaster really, at first your so scared but excited to go on it, then you question wether to go on it or not, you go on it and scream the whole way but by the end you want to go on it again. Its exactly the same really and I'm on the screaming part at the minute!!!!! I guess getting your report is just another scary stage but then you remember that it could be good (Im thinking 30% good and 70% bad) oh poop!
School really is an exciting chapter in your life and we've got to remember that because without it you wouldn't know half the people you know and you wouldn't know half the things you know. (I was wondering if I really meant that but I actually do)Just remember everyone has there bad stages in their life and its moves past wither slowly or quickly but either way it still moves away.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
So far, so good. 2016 has actually started off really good.I have got new people coming into my life and I've had no homework detentions or anything like that but I just got sent my report so I dunno if its all going to change!
School is like a roller coaster really, at first your so scared but excited to go on it, then you question wether to go on it or not, you go on it and scream the whole way but by the end you want to go on it again. Its exactly the same really and I'm on the screaming part at the minute!!!!! I guess getting your report is just another scary stage but then you remember that it could be good (Im thinking 30% good and 70% bad) oh poop!
School really is an exciting chapter in your life and we've got to remember that because without it you wouldn't know half the people you know and you wouldn't know half the things you know. (I was wondering if I really meant that but I actually do)Just remember everyone has there bad stages in their life and its moves past wither slowly or quickly but either way it still moves away.
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Dear diary,
A fresh new start, a new chapter in your book. 2016 its all looking ahead. You know them haters, leave them back in 2015, you know them bad school reports, them too, leave them back in 2015. Leave all the sadness and arguments back in 2015 because 2016 is a new start in your life, it might be just the best year yet. It might be a year when you find your dream job, it might be the year were you make everyone proud, it might be that year!
My 2015 didn't start out the best, I was still in year 7. Year 7 wasn't the best and I guess I just didn't get along with year 7 and we we're friends like cheese and chalk are (uh, btw that means we didn't get along :( , just if you didn't know) then I moved onto year 8 and I weren't the youngest anymore and I fell out with friends and made new ones . I started turning into a teenager, not my best stage :| but we all have to grow up and I guess growing up just brings you to your new page of your book.
For all you out there, 2015 may have been bad but who said 2016 was. All I can say is:
BRING ON 2016!!!!!
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
A fresh new start, a new chapter in your book. 2016 its all looking ahead. You know them haters, leave them back in 2015, you know them bad school reports, them too, leave them back in 2015. Leave all the sadness and arguments back in 2015 because 2016 is a new start in your life, it might be just the best year yet. It might be a year when you find your dream job, it might be the year were you make everyone proud, it might be that year!
My 2015 didn't start out the best, I was still in year 7. Year 7 wasn't the best and I guess I just didn't get along with year 7 and we we're friends like cheese and chalk are (uh, btw that means we didn't get along :( , just if you didn't know) then I moved onto year 8 and I weren't the youngest anymore and I fell out with friends and made new ones . I started turning into a teenager, not my best stage :| but we all have to grow up and I guess growing up just brings you to your new page of your book.
For all you out there, 2015 may have been bad but who said 2016 was. All I can say is:
BRING ON 2016!!!!!
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
Dear diary,
CHRISTMAS! Nobody can beat it. It's one of them days that you can completely forget about all the trouble on your mind. Time with your family and loved ones is just the best present. I guess its not about the presents under the christmas tree but the people around it.
Its so exciting waking up to find presents under the christmas tree and to find that Santa read your letter and ate up all them mince pies (You know, I'm not a big fan of mince pies so I'm just thankful for Santa eating them)
Christmas was great for me. I got loads: real technique brushes, Fiji camera, underwater camera but I also got a skiing trip which I CANT WAIT FOR! Just imagine, its like walking into Narnia to find a magical world of a thick blanket of snow that fells like jelly when you walk on it and all the excited people skiing in front of you, like who wants anymore, SERIOUSLY. I just cannot wait :)
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
CHRISTMAS! Nobody can beat it. It's one of them days that you can completely forget about all the trouble on your mind. Time with your family and loved ones is just the best present. I guess its not about the presents under the christmas tree but the people around it.
Its so exciting waking up to find presents under the christmas tree and to find that Santa read your letter and ate up all them mince pies (You know, I'm not a big fan of mince pies so I'm just thankful for Santa eating them)
Christmas was great for me. I got loads: real technique brushes, Fiji camera, underwater camera but I also got a skiing trip which I CANT WAIT FOR! Just imagine, its like walking into Narnia to find a magical world of a thick blanket of snow that fells like jelly when you walk on it and all the excited people skiing in front of you, like who wants anymore, SERIOUSLY. I just cannot wait :)
Bye for now,
Romana Lucia Edith Bright
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